Learn About Prediabetes

Prediabetes is when blood glucose (sugar) levels in your blood are higher than normal, but not high enough to be diagnosed with diabetes.

The National Diabetes Prevention Program is a 12-month lifestyle change program available in North Carolina for adults with prediabetes or at high risk for type 2 diabetes who want to lower their risk.

Each lesson includes simple steps that you can take to eat healthy and be active.

You will leave each lesson feeling empowered and motivated to make changes in your life to prevent diabetes.

Take the Prediabetes Risk Test

Find a Diabetes Prevention Program

Diabetes Prevention Programs

During the 12-month program you will:

Work with a trained lifestyle coach

Receive support from others working on the same goals as you

Be empowered to make healthy eating and physical activity choices

Achieve and maintain a healthy weight

Identify ways to manage stress

Implement strategies to stay motivated

Learn how to reduce your risk for developing type 2 diabetes

Attend classes either in-person or online

To help you reach your healthy lifestyle goals, you will learn about:

  • The basics of type 2 diabetes
  • Setting goals and plan basic actions
  • Balancing food groups and making healthy eating choices
  • Ways to get more active
  • Taking a positive approach to eating
  • How to get back on track with heating and activity goals
  • How to keep your heart healthy
  • The link between carbs and type 2 diabetes

Risk factors for prediabetes include:

Click to take our risk test.
  • being age 45 years or older
  • being overweight
  • having a family history of type 2 diabetes
  • having high blood pressure
  • leading a sedentary lifestyle
  • having had gestational diabetes or given birth to a baby over 9 pounds

If you have prediabetes this does not mean that you WILL develop type 2 diabetes. YOU can reduce your risk of type 2 diabetes by losing weight, becoming more physically active, and reducing stress.

Take the test to determine your risk of developing type 2 diabetes, it’s only a few questions: Risk Test.

Example of Onsite Program

Example of Online Program

Prediabetes infographic
Prediabetes infographic